Writer's Workbench
Literary Arts Collection

Projects Overview
Project 9
Project 8
Project 7
Project 6
Project 5
Project 4
Project 3
Project 2
Project 1
Project #9: POV
Deadline: To be announced
Length: 3000 words ± 5%
Object: Write two separate versions of the same story, one in first person and one in third. Then refine the story with your preferred point of view. Story choices:
  1. Write about an engagement party where something goes wrong or characters are otherwise in conflict
  2. "a mirror," "a closet," "a child" - Use these nouns, perhaps coupled with a powerful adjective or two, to form a story
  3. "Suddenly, the window slammed shut." Write a story that uses this sentence.
  4. Write a story about the first memory that comes to mind when you think of the word 'surgery.'

Goal of the project: Practicing writing from different points of view and working on story structure and character development.

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Updated January 4, 2004.

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